Leverage Clustering and High-Availbility Through Oracle RAC on AWS

Migrate Your Existing Oracle RAC Effortlessly on the AWS Cloud

Oracle RAC is the bedrock on which multiple sectors operate mission-critical backend relational databases and business-critical application (BCA) workloads. The slightest downtimes can cause significant losses to finance, telecom, retail, defense, and many others industries.

Organizations are looking to migrate their massive RAC infrastructures from datacenters or virtualized environments to the cloud to avoid downtimes and expand to handle greater demands. However, massive digital transformations are challenging to deploy due to clustered databases’ sheer size and complexity. With the AWS Cloud, organizations can leverage the lift-and-shift capability and migrate their existing workloads effortlessly. Work with us to experience rapid transformation and high availability of your Oracle clusters with the AWS Cloud.

Oracle RAC Solution on AWS - Features and Aspects

Solution – Features and Aspects

We provisioned to run the Oracle RAC * using a new feature called stretched clusters for VMware Cloud on AWS. VMware provides VMware Cloud on AWS. On AWS, VMware Cloud is an on-demand service with access to a broad range of AWS services that enable customers to run applications across vSphere-based cloud environments. It is optimized to run on defined elastic, bare-metal AWS infrastructure.


For any (SDDC) Software Defined Data Center cluster, an ESXi hypervisor is installed on and deployed on bare-metal into a (VPC) Virtual Private Cloud within an AWS account owned by VMware. It is designed to protect if the availability zone fails. Applications can have multiple availability zones within a VMware Cloud on AWS cluster.


* This service requires a minimum number of 4 cluster nodes, which can be scaled online via a portal or REST API call

Solution Architecture Diagram

Oracle RAC on AWS Solution Architecture