Top 5 Reasons to Adopt Cloud

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Cloud services and solutions have earned their competency badge by proving excellence in cost reduction, introducing better tractability and aiding optimum utilization of sources. Cloud solutions can boost growth and help achieve business goals.

Say goodbye to manual progression – Say goodbye to old styles of processing, reporting and driving your business. InformationWeek’s Enterprise Applications Survey has clearly prioritized automation of business cycles to be on par with the competitive market requirements. Manual processes not only increase the scope of extra expenditures but also encourage customers to choose newer and faster offerings, giving businesses a competitive lag. Cloud solutions automate manual efforts to allow businesses to extend capability boundaries by avoiding extra infrastructure costs while filling up gaps by boosting efficiency.

Stay on top of the game with the latest technology – One question every business owner must ask themselves is whether the current IT framework is in line with the latest trends? To help redefine and refine the current IT architecture, every CTO/CIO must adapt to digital planning. To ensure an effective digital transformation social, mobile, data and cloud strengths must be up to date and fully leveraged. Keeping up with the latest trends businesses must also integrate analytical capabilities within the cloud infrastructure to deliver better results, faster.

Introduce agility and scalability to the business – In comparison to on-premise solutions, cloud is cost effective and permits a widespread real-time access to business information making it easy to update changes in any compliance or regulations. This makes the entire structure highly scalable. Proper updates and information circulation results in increased efficiency enabling faster delivery.

Grip forecasts to choose the right cloud services – According to an infographic from Oracle, use of a digital strategy combined with the right cloud solution has proven to increase in digital sales by 2.5 times, swelling profits by 50% in a time period of 5 years, with a 20% drop in incurring cost to the business. Cloud providers are coming up with tailored solutions with choices to customize a cloud suite as per customer requirements. Taking that as a business making plans, charting predictions and possibilities, along with determining a dependable cloud solution to standardize operations will result in providing a competitive advantage.

Recovery from business adversity – Disaster recovery has proven to be an expensive and intricate trade process. On Cloud unlike on premise solutions you do not need to worry about security breaches like data deletion, duplication, malware attack etc. that incur extra expenditure to be prepared with backup solutions in case of a calamity. Taking the cloud approach ensures a data sanctuary for your business as cloud providers ensure effective recovery touchpoints without letting you spend extra for data backup and servers.

Cambridge Technology Enterprises has obtained Platinum Partner status with Oracle, and as a Platinum partner, CT is eligible to develop, sell, and implement the full stack of Oracle products and solutions. With its focus on cloud and the full suite of data services, CT has partnered with Oracle to strengthen its product offering, particularly with Oracle Cloud Solutions and Business Analytics.

Oracle Platinum Partners are measured on their superior product knowledge, technical expertise and commitment to Oracle. The Platinum level is for Oracle partners that have attained at least five qualifying specializations. OPN members at the Platinum level are recognized for their expertise across a broad range of products and technologies and earn exclusive promotion and dedicated support.

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